Vacation policy

1️⃣ When you take the vacation, email the vacation email account so that we can account for it. You'll see the hours recorded in the HR software. A simple syntax for an email about vacation would be to include the time you want to take off in the subject line, for example: "VAC 1/10-1/12".

2️⃣ You are responsible to make sure that your manager and your coworkers know about the vacation and that arrangements have been made to cover for you while you're away.

3️⃣ In general, it is considered good practice to provide two days notice for each day of vacation. For example, if you're taking a two-week vacation, let us know a month in advance. For a one day vacation, two days notice is usually sufficient.

4️⃣ What happens to unused vacation days at the end of the year?
They are carried over. Vacation days don't expire.