Global optimization

Stripes do what’s best for the organization overall.

Because Stripe is highly interdependent, really good Stripes have a strong sense of overall ownership of the whole company but are non-territorial regarding their nominal domains. There are no bonus points for building large teams.

Not-my-job attitudes grate at Stripe: we admire, recognize, and reward people who do the opposite. Expect to routinely contribute to projects across the company. Expect to receive feedback from engaged coworkers who have less state about your projects than you do. You won’t always agree with feedback you get, but you should consider it seriously and with humility: it comes from a smart colleague who, like you, sincerely wants your project to succeed.

In the same way that we look for the best versions of ideas from other fields outside of Stripe, valuable contributions internally transcend team borders. A Stripe in Legal or User Ops can chime in on Product or Partnerships discussions, and an engineer may offer an opinion on a sales deal: we care about the quality of thought, not where it came from.


Stripe has very few titles, and we don’t share promotions publicly; after a few years your LinkedIn might not look as tricked-out as your peers at other companies. Will that bother you?
Do you think of yourself as someone who will do whatever it takes to get the job done, even if that means doing a bunch of scut work?