Working at HQ


Since we became Glitch, we've updated our policies for folks based in HQ. Put simply: We now default to all HQ folks being in the office each day. This helps us move faster and get new team members onboarded faster, because we know everyone will be here to collaborate with.

HQ people will also do the same kind of emoji greetings in #kiwihouse in Slack that remote people have been doing on various teams, for the same reasons: to let our coworkers know we're here!

The main exception to the in-office policy is (of course) if you're sick, take a sick day. And the one change from the Fog Creek days is that we're not doing ad-hoc Work From Home anymore. By default, everybody should be here every day, and if you can't make it (you have to wait for the cable guy, landlord needs to get into your apartment, etc.) we ask that you let everyone know in #nyc the day before.

We do also request that you respect your other coworkers' work space when it comes to noise. If you plan on doing something that may be a little noisier than normal we do have phone booths, conference rooms, and a lounge that can be booked for meetings, video conferences, or calls. Also if you work in a private office, please close your door during these events.


We use a Seamless Corporate account to provide lunch for the office everyday. Below you'll find details on that process.
Login here Lock to place your order.

HQ Employees

You'll receive an intro email with your username on Day 1 of your onboarding. Once you have that, go ahead and set a password for your account.

Each day at 3pm you'll receive an email from Seamless, where you'll be prompted to set up your lunch order for the following day. You can set up your order anytime after that until 10:30am the day of. You'll have two restaurants to choose from and you can pick anything off of the menu (see more info on budget below).

Orders will automatically be sent to the restaurant as a group order at 10:30am the day of, for a 12pm delivery. If you have not placed an order by 10am, you'll receive an email reminder prompting you to do so. If you have not placed an order by 10:30am, no lunch will be delivered for you!

At 12pm, lunch will be delivered and labeled with each person's name.
Working from home? Please help us to invest resources wisely and do not place an order for lunch ahead of time OR make sure you cancel your order by 10:30am. Since lunch arrives labeled with your name, it will be pretty obvious if you've ordered a lunch you won't be here to eat!

Shared space resources: Non-office dwellers can use their teammates' private offices when they are out for the day. Feel free to use these offices when privacy is needed: phone calls/quiet space, etc.


By default, every person has a $21 per day budget. Any amount over that you'll be prompted to enter your personal credit card information. Our intention with this budget is that it will provide plenty of wiggle room to account for any delivery fees and tip (which are split across all orders each day). If you stick with a subtotal around $16.50, you won't go over the per day budget.


For now, feedback on restaurants can go into the #nyc slack channel. Our hope is that by providing two restaurant options each day with full menus, everyone will have plenty of options for lunch every week.


If you'd like to bring a guest for lunch- great! An admin can place the order for you. (Currently, that's Anil, Hosanna, Jess or Sean.) Ideally, you should send the guest the day's menus and get your guest's order to an admin with at least 24 hours notice, and they'll ensure it arrives the next day. If you know the order, it can be done by the usual 10:30am deadline.

Remotes visiting HQ

We have a guest login for you to use while you're in NYC. Ask Sean or Jess for the info ahead of your visit.