Blog guidelines

What is Ambition & Balance?

We publish fresh and original articles, essays, guides, reviews, and opinions that explore what work could and should look like in the future.

That could be interpreted broadly to encompass a wide range of topics: personal productivity, teamwork, management, startups, remote work, leadership, career advice, psychology, neuro-/cognitive science, philosophy, behavioral economics, technology, and more.

Our goals are:
To inspire people to think about and approach work differently
To spark conversations and debates about the future of work
To provide new perspectives + practical advice for doing meaningful work and leading an impactful team in today’s knowledge-based workplace

We take a holistic approach to the topics we cover that’s equal parts philosophical and practical, but 100% approachable and down-to-earth.

Our products and content are for people who:

Use technology to improve their daily lives
Appreciate simplicity over complexity and superfluity
Need tools as ubiquitous, mobile and flexible as they are
Value meaningful work and purposeful productivity
Embrace the values of both ambition and balance in their lives

Our content reflects Doist’s    💎 Values  .

Ambition & Balance content is…

Don’t settle for just “good” and “unique,” but  10x content 

This is the most important thing!
When writing every piece we ask ourselves: Is this piece of content adding value to what is already available from other sources (including our own)? This is a great article that shows what we aim for in each piece of content we produce:  The Skyscraper Technique . Does your piece improve upon what’s already out there in at least one of the following ways?

Is it presented in a different, more engaging format?
Is it more detailed/better researched?
Is it better organized and easier to read?
Is it better designed?
Does it provide a unique point of view?
Does it have a unique and engaging voice?
Does it draw on original sources (e.g., interviews, personal experience)?
Does it curate useful content/resources to make them more accessible to the reader?

When writing and editing, we ask ourselves: What about this piece of content would make me want to share it with others? If we can’t come up with an answer, we go back and find a new angle.

What if so many sources have already covered a topic that we can’t figure out how to make it unique/better? Find a different topic.

Have a unique angle

Many of the topics we cover have been explored for literally centuries (think Aristotle, the Stoics, Buddhism, etc.). You must have a unique angle. A great way to do this is to start with a specific, answerable question that you’re genuinely curious about. Then go do the research to answer it and bring the reader along on the journey.

Another way to check if you have a unique angle is to ask yourself “Who will support and share this content and why?”

It inspires a community
It reinforces a belief
Refutes an opposing argument
Starts (or renews) a passionate discussion
Is in someone’s financial/promotional interests
Leverages group inclusion dynamics
Makes the sharer look smart/important/wordly/etc

Be empathetic.

The topics we deal with – time management, productivity, goal-achievement, procrastination, etc. – can induce a lot of shame, guilt, and insecurity. We aim to counterbalance that negative perspective. We want people to come away from every interaction with us feeling educated and inspired to approach work in a more balanced and productive way.

Be human.

We strive to have a human voice, be personable, be humble, show vulnerability, admit mistakes. We use contractions. Smart but never condescending or academic. Readers should feel like their having a conversation with a really smart friend.

Make sure what you’re writing is meaningful & actionable.

We make sure to include concrete ideas people can apply to their work and lives. We do not repeat vague productivity cliches that a thousand other sources have already cited.

Go the extra mile.

This is pretty much the same as 10x content, but it’s so important we’re including it twice.
We don’t write fluff. Our posts are 1,600-2,000+ words long and full of good, sink-your-teeth-into-it, can’t-wait-to-put-this-into-action, have-to-share-it-because-it’s-so-useful/inspiring content. But we make every one of those words count.

Use research & stories to craft a narrative.

We use rich detail, research, quotes, and anecdotes to tell engaging stories in our posts. We craft a compelling narrative throughout each piece that keeps connecting everything back to the main idea.

Make sure everything is substantiated.

We give authority to our writing by referencing others’ ideas and research to back up each claim we make. We use links with anchor texts to cite. We’re rigorous in making sure our logic and arguments make sense.

Don’t be afraid to be bold and opinionated.

We aren’t afraid to take a point-of-view (as long as it is thoughtful and backed up with research and/or real-world experience). But we strive to remain humble. We know we don’t know everything and are always respectful of others’ opinions when we disagree.

Make sure it’s readable.

Especially on small screen sizes.
We break big concepts and topics down into logical sections and sub-sections that help guide readers through each post. We use effective transitions to draw connections between paragraphs and sections. The reader should never feel lost or uncertain of how a supporting idea relates back to the main topic.

Things to keep in mind while writing…

Get to the point.

Get to the important stuff right away, and don’t bury the kicker. Blog posts should be scannable and easy to digest. Break up your paragraphs into short chunks of 3-4 sentences, and use descriptive headings and subheadings. Our readers are busy and we should always keep that in mind.

Be specific.

Avoid vague language. Cut the fluff. Give context to the research, data, and stories you reference.

Use active voice. Avoid passive voice.

Of course there are exceptions to every rule…
Yes: Amir added the task.
No: The task was added by Amir.

Avoid jargon.

Write in plain English. If you need to use a technical term, briefly define it so everyone can understand. Don’t be condescending. Remember: Our readers are smart, but they don’t know everything.

Use positive language.

Use positive language rather than negative language. One way to detect negative language is to look for words like “can’t”, “don’t,” etc.
Yes: To get things done, create a to-do list.
No: You won’t get anything done if you don’t create a to-do list.


Go ahead and use them (but not “it’ll” or “that’ll”).

Emojis & Exclamation points

Use them sparingly and deliberately.

Use information-carrying images.

Include images wherever it helps to convey your ideas. If you’re explaining a workflow, use screenshots. If you’re explaining data, use visualizations. If it’s a complex concept, create an original sketch to demonstrate it. If you need to use an image from another source, be sure to credit the original source.

Some successful blog post examples